Liposuction Procedure

Those that struggle with diet and exercise for months, or even years, can still find stubborn fat deposits that remain, even after best efforts. Liposuction is a procedure for patients who want to sculpt their bodies by removing fat from their:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Buttocks
  • Saddlebags
  • Thighs

Although the numbers on the scale may not get much lower, liposuction can remove inches in a matter of a few hours.

Should I Get Liposuction?

Liposuction is not intended as a way to lose weight. Instead, think of it as the final step you take towards your ideal shape. If certain areas of your body have not responded to healthy diet and moderate exercise, then you’re a good candidate for liposuction.

Breast Reduction for Men and Women

Men can develop a condition called gynecomastia when extra weight heads to their chest rather than other areas. Liposuction is a common technique used to sculpt the chest for a more muscular result.

For women with large breasts, liposuction can also make a dramatic difference, reducing painful symptoms that can limit your enjoyment of an active lifestyle.

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What Happens During a Liposuction Consultation?

All patients who come to Dr. Comizio’s Morristown, NJ location for a liposuction consultation will have a thorough examination and discussion about the benefits and risks of the procedure. Dr. Comizio recommends that patients considering liposuction achieve their ideal weight before the procedure. By attaining a stable weight that you are happy with, it will be much easier to maintain your results.

What Will Happen During the Procedure?

After deciding on a treatment plan with Dr. Comizio, your surgery will be scheduled for a nearby outpatient surgery center or hospital. Before surgery, you will receive general anesthesia and once it has taken effect Dr. Comizio will:

  • Make small incisions so that she can carefully remove fat.
  • Insert a cannula, small tube with a vacuum, to gently break up and suction away unwanted fat deposits.
  • Compare both sides of your body to ensure symmetrical results.
  • Close the incisions with small sutures.

When you wake up from your surgery, you will spend time in the recovery room until you are ready to return home with the assistance of a friend or relative.

Recovering from Liposuction

The first few days to a week are likely to be the most uncomfortable during your recovery. The symptoms after surgery include:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pain

While it will take more than a few weeks for the swelling to fade completely, patients can usually return to work and stop pain medication about a week after their surgery. Dr. Comizio recommends that you use this time to restrict vigorous activities as much as possible to encourage faster recovery.

What Can I Do to Heal Faster?

The key to a quick recovery after plastic surgery is taking the time to recover before returning to your normal routine. While healing, you should:

  • Avoid high-impact exercise and instead take short walks.
  • Continue to wear a compression garment for the first three to six weeks after surgery to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Try to distract yourself from the initial discomfort by taking short walks in familiar areas. It is important to stay active after surgery and to avoid staying in bed. It is important to walk around after surgery to minimize the risk of blood clots or pneumonia.

Half the battle for recovery is mental and finding the right balance between rest and activity. Keeping your mind occupied can help the time pass, and before you know it you will feel much better.

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