Dear “Comiz” –
Words cannot describe how very happy I am for you as you accept this well deserved honor this evening. I hope you know how important you have been in my life as I have traveled the breast cancer journey. While Dr. Gendler is cherished because she removed the cancer and Dr. Guerin because she has given me the best chance at complete recovery, I feel that you are the one who has used your talent, knowledge and love of your profession to “put me back together” and allow me to be “normal” once again. That is a gift I will never be able to repay!
You have a special gift for making women like my sisters & myself feel at east. Your confidence & foresight make you easy to trust. The peace of mind of being able to put my reconstruction in your capable hands allowed me to concentrate on taking care of myself and getting through treatment. For that I am also so grateful.
I am blessed to have met you and have you on my “team” this past year. I am honored to call you my doctor and my friend! Although “Thank You” hardly seems adequate, I say it from the bottom of my heart!
Congratulations to you! You have a long and wonderful career ahead of you.
Love P