“Your attention has value. Don’t give it away. Stay focused.” -Maxime Lagacé
It’s inevitable that the field of plastic surgery includes patients that are chasing unattainable results. In my world, much of my focus is on women who have had a devastating diagnosis and are simply looking to go back to what they refer to as “normalcy,” but I do encounter the other side. The side that is scouring social media on a daily basis and self evaluating how they can achieve the results of influencers and social media mavens to improve their own looks. I am often handed “inspo” pictures, screenshots, and aspirational dreams. The impact of social media on the popularity and demand for plastic surgery procedures continues to amaze me – and other colleagues in our industry. The increase in Zoom calls and selfies has been instrumental in people looking at themselves more closely and finding their faults – desperately seeking to improve their appearance.
I find so much of this has led to unrealistic expectations found in the photoshopping, photo enhancing, filtered and edited photos that are bombarding our society. We are losing sight of natural beauty and the important things in life by focusing so much attention on unattainable results and buyers remorse when the outcome does not meet the expectation.
I pride myself on my strong doctor-patient relationships that includes open communication, honesty and realism. Those conversations are real and authentic. It’s what makes me love what I do.
We have trended so much toward wanting what others have and have lost sight on what we want. Even being part of this industry, I have always tried to focus on the gifts I have been given and appreciate my strengths. It’s hard not to compare yourself to others, but staying in your lane and maximizing your gifts will ultimately be the path that leads to your most authentic self.