If you are faced with breast reconstruction surgery during your fight with breast cancer, it’s important to be fully informed about your treatment plan, preparation for surgery and what to expect during your recovery. Dr. Comizio and her staff understand how mentally and emotionally challenging your journey can be and partner with you to ensure the best options for your overall health and well-being.
Reconstructive breast surgery is based on your specific diagnosis and circumstances. There are several different options for this procedure, with the two most common including:
- Breast Augmentation – Comizio will insert either saline or silicone breast implants into the breasts to give women back their figure.
- Tissue Flap Procedure – During this procedure, Dr. Comizio will use tissue from another area of your body to restore your breasts.
There are also some circumstances that allow Dr. Comizio to combine the two procedures into one to offer women a fuller breast, while also providing them with the familiar feel of their natural breasts.
You can expect to be sore for about two weeks when recovering from breast reconstruction surgery and will need to avoid your normal daily activities. Recovery includes:
- Staying in the hospital for one or two days, depending on the surgical techniques used by Dr. Comizio.
- Waking up with surgical dressings around your breasts, which helps minimize swelling. These dressings will need to remain in place until Dr. Comizio gives the ok.
- Going home with very specific post-op instructions from Dr. Comizio that you will need to strictly follow to help stay healthy and avoid complications.
- There will be small drains inserted near your surgical site to allow excess fluid to drain from the area and prevent swelling and inflammation.
- No smoking. If you smoke, Dr. Comizio recommends you stop immediately to improve your overall health and avoid complications during your recovery and healing time. Your surgery and recovery could be delayed if you continue to smoke.
- It could take about 12 weeks for you to see the final results from your breast reconstruction procedure. It’s important to be patient and take care of your body.
If you are ready to talk to Dr. Comizio about breast reconstruction surgery, we recommend you do so before you have your mastectomy to enable Dr. Comizio to prepare an individualized treatment plan based on the surgical techniques used during your mastectomy. She and her staff consider it a great privilege to help women get back to normal after a mastectomy and are committed to helping you achieve the results you want and need. Call today to schedule your consultation: 973-775-9248